Don't Fall for Scammers

Beware of Water Scams
Occasionally, we hear about sensational claims that unnecessarily alarm Prince William Water customers regarding water quality issues or even companies that falsely claim to be your water utility. We are here for you!
- Customer Communication - Some sales pitches tell customers that their water is “contaminated.” Be assured, if there was a problem with water safety, Prince William Water would contact affected customers directly. In addition, we post water-related emergencies on the top of our homepage at
- Employee Identification - If someone tells you they work for your water company, you can confirm if they are with Prince William Water. Our employees drive vehicles clearly marked with a Prince William Water decal, wear uniforms with our logo and carry identification badges that are clearly marked Prince William Water.
- Routine Testing - Prince William Water and Fairfax Water, which is our wholesale drinking water provider, sample and test water daily throughout our distribution system. In fact, our laboratory analyzes about 17,500 potable water tests per year to ensure water quality, safety and conformance with relevant regulatory standards. We have had 100% compliance with all drinking water standards for many years.
- Water Quality Information – We are required to produce and publish an annual Water Quality Report. You can access information about your area’s water quality by visiting our Water Quality Reports page.
- Contact Us - If you have questions about water quality or service, you can contact our Customer Service Department at 703-335-7950, Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can report water emergencies to Emergency Dispatch at 703-335-7990.