Hydrant Meter Program

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Appointments are preferred for customers applying for new accounts.
Please call Customer Service at 703-335-7950 to set up an appointment.
Hydrant Meter Permit Schedule of Fees
For current hydrant meter rates and fees, view pages 3 and 4 of our Customer Handbook.
Hydrant Meter Documents
Hydrant Meter Permit 02-20-25
Hydrant Meter Permit 02-20-25 -
Designated Hydrant Master List
Designated Hydrant Master List -
Hydrant Meter Policy
Hydrant Meter Policy
Hydrant Meter Program Rules & Regulations
Meter readings must be reported during the last seven days of each month and are due by the last day of each month. Monthly readings must be submitted by fax to (703) 335-8949 or by email to hydrant@pwwater.org. Failure to report monthly readings on time shall result in penalty assessment for each unreported read/billing period.
Hydrant permits may be revoked without notice for failure to comply with any of the terms, conditions, and instructions included on the permit or under emergency circumstances as determined by Prince William Water. Prince William Water reserves the right to not reissue a permit to any permit holder that has violated any clause in the Hydrant Meter Policy or any of the terms and conditions of the permit. Meters must be immediately surrendered to the Customer Service Department at the Prince William Water Headquarters building at 4 County Complex Ct., Woodbridge.
It is essential to ensure our water system has a reliable flow for fire suppression while still protecting the community’s water supply and access to that supply. For this reason, specific hydrants have been designated for hydrant meter use in order to minimize the effects large withdrawals can have on the system, neighborhood disruption, and safety hazards that fill-ups can cause.
The following designated hydrants are the only allowable hydrants under your permit. Use of any other hydrant is in violation of this permit and will result in immediate forfeiture of your deposit and permit revocation. Designated hydrants are identified by the Operations and Maintenance Division and are reviewed and updated on an as needed basis. Additional locations may be permitted upon request to Customer Service following an evaluation of the impact on the system. Updates can be obtained on-line or requested from the Customer Service Department.
Hydrants located in subdivisions under construction may be used for on-site construction purposes.
Hydrants located on construction sites may be used for truck wash racks in order to meet State Erosion Control Requirements.
Permit holders must request permission from Prince William Water to use hydrants in subdivisions under construction and construction sites. These hydrants will not be reflected on the above list, but are suitable for use once approved. Information may be requested from the Customer Service Department.
In order to protect the water supply in times of emergency, permits shall be temporarily suspended when the County Executive declares a Drought Warning or Emergency or when Prince William Water’s General Manager declares a heightened alert. Such communications are effective upon public notice and/or direct mailing. Prince William Water reserves the right to suspend or revoke permits at anytime. No water withdrawals from hydrants are permitted during these times, except by the Fire Department for fire suppression. Continued usage is prohibited by law (Class 2 Misdemeanor under Section 18.2 – 162.1 of the Code of Virginia).