H2Go Kids

Say "hello" to Drip and Drop!
Want to bring the exciting and educational world of water into your home? Look no further!
Students of all ages can explore and discover printable PDF activities with our friends, Drip and Drop. Drip's activities are appropriate for kids in Kindergarten to Grade 3 and Drop's activities are for kids in Grades 4 to 6.
Get ready to H2Go!
Looking for a classroom presentation? Visit our Classroom Outreach page to find out more!
Check out our new Drip and Drop activity books!

Activity Sheets for Kindergarten-Grade 3
Kids can have fun with mazes, word searches and connect-the-dot activities!

Activity Sheets for Grades 4-6
Scavenger hunts, word searches, math activities and more lead to more knowledge about water and the environment!
Prince William Water Scavenger Hunt

Coloring Sheets
Younger students will love learning more about water with these fun coloring sheets!
Why We Need Water Coloring Sheet
Use Water Wisely Coloring Sheet

Writing Prompts & Comics
Kids in grades 4-6 can think about water, protecting our planet and more, all while having fun with our comics and writing prompts.

Experiments for Kindergarten-Grade 3
Young learners will love these fun, at-home science experiments!

Experiments for Grades 4-6
These at-home science experiments are perfect for older students to explore the world of water.

More Fun Resources
Parents and kids are encouraged to send in photos of themselves with their completed worksheets to outreach@pwwater.org for a chance to be featured on our social media pages and be entered into our weekly prize drawing!