Prince William Water Awards

- Buried Treasure – Second Place
- Hydrant Hysteria – Fourth Place
- Meter Madness - First and Third Place
- Rapid Tapping – Second Place
Recognizes any program that champions internal communications as a strategy to improve employee engagement.
Hydrant Hysteria Competition - Third Place
Meter Madness Competition - First and Second Place
Rapid Tapping Competition - First Place
Splish Splash Competition - Second Place
Water Taste Competition - First Place (Bull Run Mountain/Evergreen System)
Women's Hydrant Hysteria Competition - Third Place
Presented to water utilities that create effective programs or campaigns designed to educate the public about drinking water quality and supplies.
Presented to water utilities in Virginia that most effectively use social media to engage external or internal audiences.
Presented to water utilities in Virginia that most effectively build relationships with the public and organizations such as schools, community groups and charities.
Presented to water utilities in Virginia that demonstrate excellence in customer newsletter content and design.
Presented to water utilities in Virginia that demonstrate excellence in safety program development and implementation.

Honors agencies for their inventive efforts to educate the public on the effects of waste water treatment and pollution control on the environment.
Awarded to wastewater treatment facilities that have achieved 100% compliance with their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits over a period of consecutive years.
Prince William Water's H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility has now received a Peak Performance Platinum Award for 15 consecutive years of perfect permit compliance.
Presented to member agencies for outstanding initiatives in wastewater treatment, wastewater conveyance, stormwater management, and/or environmental enhancement.
Honors agencies for their inventive efforts to educate the public on the effects of waste water treatment and pollution control on the environment.
Recognizes outstanding dedication to the implementation of sustainable, successful programs that exemplify the attributes of an effectively managed utility.
Presented to wastewater treatment facilities that have achieved 100% compliance with their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits during an entire calendar year.

Recognizes an individual who has created, promoted, and maintained diversity and inclusion by establishing an environment that recognizes, encourages, and effectively utilizes each individual's talents.
Recognizes an organization that has created, promoted, and maintained diversity and inclusion by establishing an environment that recognizes, encourages, and effectively utilizes each individual's talents.
Meter Madness Competition - Third Place
Water Taste Competition - Third Place (Bull Run Mountain/Evergreen System)
Recognizes water utilities that have made significant accomplishments in communication-educating the public, promoting awareness and understanding of water issues, establishing media relations, implementing community involvement programs, and inspiring others to model behavior with the public that builds trust and credibility.

The Virginia Environmental Excellence Program (VEEP) Sustainability Partners track is designed to encourage large organizations, in both the private and public sector across Virginia, to make environmental sustainability part of their culture through leadership, innovation, and continual improvement.

Recognizes organizations for their remarkable accomplishments in achieving capital program and infrastructure management success.

Recognizes Prince William Water’s use of the national Malcolm Baldrige Excellence Framework to set rigorous quality standards for Performance Excellence and to cultivate continuous improvement at every level.

Recognition for successful implementation of the Cityworks Permits Land and Licensing (PLL) application.

Recognized an outstanding image submitted by Prince William Water for Water Environment & Technology magazine’s fall 2018 contest featuring photos of when water professionals dig deep and get their hands dirty to ensure rivers, lakes, and oceans remain clear and safe to enjoy.

Presented as the highest form of recognition for excellence in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

Recognizes exceptional partnerships between businesses and Prince William County Public Schools.

Presented to agencies that have made significant contributions to increased public awareness of water resources development, use, or management covering the natural, biological or social sciences.

Presented to organizations in Prince William County that make a dedicated effort to conserve, protect, restore and create a healthier environment.

Recognizes innovative water professionals who used what they had on hand and ingenuity to creatively solve persistent challenges.

Awarded to governmental and quasi-governmental agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia for performing an exemplary job in risk management and safety.
Awarded to organizations for taking a proactive role in evaluating risk management and utilizing training materials provided by VML (H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility).

Awarded to websites that showcase the power of design to enhance online communications through web design, interactive design and UX design.

Recognizes non-profit and government websites with superior content, interactivity and ease of use that exceed industry averages.

This milestone celebrates our long-standing membership in the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies and acknowledges our invaluable contributions to our community.
Recognizes member utilities with the highest level of commitment to sustainable management and environmental stewardship practices.
Recognizes utilities that exhibit a distinctive level of management expertise and expanded utility achievement.
Recognizes large public drinking water systems that exhibit high performance in areas such as customer satisfaction, financial viability, operational optimization and resiliency, employee development and community sustainability.

Prince William County’s H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility (AWRF) has earned the 2022 Facility Maintenance Award from the Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA) for its Oil Analysis Program. The award recognizes wastewater facilities for outstanding performance, professionalism and dedication specific to the maintenance of wastewater treatment equipment and processes.
2nd Place – Data Technicians Skyler Medina and Beata Lienhard and Analyst Andrew Cockram
Recognizes a municipal or industrial wastewater facility for establishing and maintaining excellence in an active and effective safety program (H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility).
Recognizes the outstanding effort to improve the health and safety of the personnel at a facility and the safety record of the wastewater treatment industry in Virginia (H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility).

Awarded for design-build excellence for the H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade.

Recognizes facilities that have minimal reported injuries and illnesses and have had no fatalities during a calendar year (H.L. Mooney Advanced Water Reclamation Facility).