Test Water

How is the water tested, and by whom?

Prince William Water's state-certified Water Quality Laboratory performs or administers state and federal testing to ensure that our water meets or exceeds regulatory standards. In addition to regulated testing, several other analyses check distribution system water quality. 

What are the requirements when selling my home regarding my private well?

Contact your loan officer, however, the buyer’s lending institution will most likely require that the well pass a water quality test prior to loan approval. Most lenders require testing for bacteria. Some may require nitrate testing.

When should I have my well tested?

You should have your well tested once each year for total coliform, nitrates and pH levels.  If you suspect other contaminants, you should test for those as well.  You should also have your well tested if:

  • There are known problems with well water in your area.
  • You have experienced problems near your well (flooding, land disturbances, and nearby waste disposal sites).
  • You replace or repair any part of your well system.
  • You notice a change in water quality (taste, color, odor).