What is FOG?

FOG stands for Fats, Oils and Grease, all of which can severely damage your sanitary sewer system. FOG includes animal and vegetable fats, as well as oils used to cook and prepare food. Used grease and cooking oil should be poured into a lidded coffee can or other disposable container.


Photo: pouring grease into an aluminum can

How FOG Impacts the Sewer System

When poured down the drain, FOG can cause problems in sanitary sewer pipes and sewer laterals. Grease is one of the leading causes of sewer clogs and overflows, and grease buildup in pipes can cause major damage to pipes and lead to sewage back-ups in your business.

Photo: sewer pipes clogged with grease deposits

What is the FOG Program?

Food Service Establishments (FSEs) use large volumes of FOG. The FOG Program consists of periodic inspections of FSEs to determine compliance with the Prince William County Sewer Ordinance and to gather records of routine maintenance of grease interceptors and grease traps.

The FOG Program is not just good for sewers. It's the law.

Prince William County Code (§23-53(a)(16)) prohibits sewer users from discharging floatable fats, waxes, grease or oils into the sanitary sewer. Failure to comply with the sewer ordinance may result in suspension of sewer service if it causes harmful conditions; and civil fines ranging from $1,000 up to $32,500 per day per violation.

Descargue el folleto Introduccion al Programa de Grasas y Aceites.

Helpful Tip

Get all employees on-board with thorough FOG training, readily available job aids such as signs, and giving positive feedback for a job well-done.

For more information regarding the FOG Program, please contact:

Prince William Water Regulatory Affairs
1851 Rippon Blvd.
Woodbridge, VA 22191
(703) 335-7976

Graphic: a pipe filled with grease. The graphics says "Put FOG where it belongs"

Other FOG Information